Back to All Events MEET THE CANDIDATES ICE CREAM SOCIAL Saturday, April 27, 2024 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Google Calendar ICS You are invited to participate in an "Ice Cream Social and Meet/Greet the Candidates" event. Please reply no later than 4/18/24 to confirm that you accept the invitation and will attend the event. Please share the registration with others: Contact Mumin Barre at 240-498-4102 for more information.
MEET THE CANDIDATES ICE CREAM SOCIAL Saturday, April 27, 2024 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Google Calendar ICS You are invited to participate in an "Ice Cream Social and Meet/Greet the Candidates" event. Please reply no later than 4/18/24 to confirm that you accept the invitation and will attend the event. Please share the registration with others: Contact Mumin Barre at 240-498-4102 for more information.